is really nothing to compare to the
emotional power of television -- of
words and pictures, music, action...
all working together to get your message
across. But only with Cable TV can
you take the message a step further
-- to the kind of precision targeting
not possible with broadcast TV and
most other advertising media.
cable television you can target by
age, gender, education, and income
characteristics, lifestyle interests,
and also by where your customers live.
In fact, only on cable TV can you
target small geographic areas. This
is especially important for smaller
retail businesses.
is also a really powerful synergy
that emerges when you place your message
in the right environment, by selecting
the right shows to match your product
or service.
retail, financial, and insurance services,
recruitment, real estate, automotive,
entertainment, children's products
-- or whatever it is you're selling
-- there is simply no better venue.